
This is the official Twist API v3 documentation, a reference to the functionality our public API provides, with detailed description of each API endpoint, its parameters, and examples.

Consider subscribing to the official mailing list to be notified about important communication about the API.


You can login via /api/v3/users/login and retrieve your user token. For public integration, you must use our OAuth 2 authentication.

If you just want a token to try the API, we provide a test token when you create an application following what we describe in the Authorization guide.

Temporary ids

Temporary ids are negative and can be used when adding, updating or deleting items.

Request, response, and error handling

The maximum allowed size of the request body for common requests is 5MB. Some attachments have their own limits for upload, please check their own sections for more details.

A response is always a JSON object which can be the following:


For dates we use ISO 8601. The formatting we can have inside the system:

The current API should only return %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, where the time zone is implicit set to UTC.


Example of error JSON object

    "error_uuid": "f699b0e0caa4446e847e17cc1d42801b",
    "error_code": 200,
    "error_extra": { },
    "error_string": "Invalid token"

Errors will be returned as JSON objects.

The errors returned:

Error code Error explanation HTTP status code
19 Required argument is missing. 400
20 Invalid argument value. 400
101 Your email is already found in our database. 400
102 Password too short. 400
103 Email is invalid. 400
104 Email or password are invalid. 400
105 Workspace not found. 404
106 User not found. 404
107 Channel not found. 404
108 Thread not found. 404
109 Forbidden. 403
110 Resource not found. 404
111 Unknown temp id. 404
112 Invalid temp id. 400
113 Temp id already found. 400
114 Bad Request. 400
115 Comment not found. 404
116 Device not found. 404
117 Search not available. 404
118 One or more attachments don't comply with the JSON specification. 400
119 Group not found. 404
120 You are not logged in. 401
121 Invalid timezone. 401
122 Not supported reaction. 401
124 Conversation not found. 404
125 Message not found. 404
126 Your name is too short. 400
127 You can't remove the last admin. 400
128 Invalid date range. 400
129 Google account is not connected to any Twist user. 404
130 Google account is already connected to a Google user. 403
131 Already found. 409
132 Email not found. 404
133 One or more actions don't comply with the JSON specification. 404
200 Invalid token. 403
201 Internal Server Error. 500
202 Upload failed. 400
203 Payment required. 402
204 External Server Error. 500
205 Upload is too big in size. 413
213 The workspace has reached the maximum number of users. 403
406 Not acceptable. 406

The HTTP error codes returned:

Status code Description
400 Bad Request.
401 Access Denied (token invalid, the user needs to login).
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.
406 Not acceptable.
500 Internal Server Error.

Testing error handling

To test error handling simply provide ?chaos=random as an argument. If you want to test a specific error you can supply ?chaos=109.


In order to make authorized calls to Twist APIs, your integration must first obtain an access token from the users. This section describes how to obtain such a token.

OAuth 2

Before getting started, you need to create a general integration and configure a valid OAuth redirect URL. A registered Twist integration is assigned a unique Client ID and Client Secret which are needed for the OAuth2 flow.

The OAuth integration page also has a test token for those who just want to try the API out whilst in development. The test token provided may be used in any requests requiring authorization. The test token will use the current authenticated user account to authorize the utilization of the resources.

When building an integration, it's necessary to ask the user's permission to use the resources and for that you have to do the 3 steps procedure described below.

All the error responses will be in JSON format, an example is {"error":"BAD_REQUEST", "error_message": "Invalid scope"}.

Step 1: The authorization request

Redirect users to the authorization URL at the endpoint, with the specified request parameters.

Here follow the required parameters:

Name Description
client_id The unique Client ID of the Twist integration that you registered.
scope A comma separated list of permissions that you would like the users to grant to your integration. See below a table with more details about this.
state A unique and unguessable string. It is used to protect you against cross-site request forgery attacks.

And here are some common errors that you may encounter (you will find more info in error.error_message):

Error Description
ACCESS_DENIED When the user denies your authorization request, Twist will redirect the user to the configured redirect URI with the error parameter:
FORBIDDEN A permissions issue happened.
BAD_REQUEST The request was badly formatted, for example, if you supply an invalid scope.

Step 2: The redirection to your integration site

When the user grants your authorization request, the user will be redirected to the redirect URL configured in your integration setting. The redirect request will come with two query parameters attached: code and state.

The code parameter contains the authorization code that you will use to exchange for an access token. The state parameter should match the state parameter that you supplied in the previous step. If the state is unmatched, your request has been compromised by other parties, and the process should be aborted.

Step 3: Token exchange

Once you have the authorization code, you can exchange it for the access token at the endpoint POST

Name Description
client_id The unique Client ID of the Twist integration that you registered.
client_secret The unique Client Secret of the Twist integration that you registered.
code The unique string code that you obtained in the previous step.


These are the scope permissions that the user grant your integration:

Name Description
user:write Access and update user's personal settings.
user:read Access user's personal settings.
workspaces:write Access and update teams the user is part of.
workspaces:read Access teams the user is part of.
channels:remove Access, update, and delete channels.
channels:write Access and update channels.
channels:read Access channels.
threads:remove Access, update, and delete threads.
threads:write Access and update threads.
threads:read Access threads.
comments:remove Access, update, and delete comments.
comments:write Access and update comments.
comments:read Access comments.
groups:remove Access, update, and delete groups.
groups:write Access and update groups.
groups:read Access groups.
messages:remove Access, update, and delete messages.
messages:write Access and update messages.
messages:read Access messages.
reactions:remove Access, update, and delete reactions.
reactions:write Access and update reactions.
reactions:read Access reactions.
search:read Search.
attachments:write Access and update attachments.
attachments:read Access attachments.
notifications:write Read and update user's notifications settings.
notifications:read Read user's notifications settings.

Testing Purposes

For production uses, always go through the OAuth flow to get authentication tokens, however for testing purposes, you can take a shortcut and retrieve your personal token, which can be accessed from the OAuth section of your integration's details page.

The test token is for the current logged in user and will have the full scope access.


Twist has multiple types of integrations, and you have to pick your type based on how your integration will be used.

Use Channel Updates and Thread Updates when you need a quick way to post content to Twist. For example, our Github integration is a Thread Updates integration — it adds any Github activity as comments to a thread.

Channel Updates and Thread Updates include some special features such as buffering (not posting things in real-time) and scheduling (posting things at specific times).

Accessing the API

Once a user has successfully authenticated your app/integration, you can then access user's data in a secure way or setup webhooks. The general steps needed to authenticate are described in our OAuth2 section.

General access

curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer Us3r5_t0k3n" \

If you have an app that utilizes the Twist data, you could be using any of the API calls detailed in this document.

Example usage: Integrate an application with Twist, creating new workspaces, channels, threads, and/or messages.

Outgoing webhook

Outgoing webhooks for OAuth integrations are based on REST hooks, so they are different from channels and threads.

The webhooks for the OAuth integration provide fine-grained access to the event hooks. It's possible to subscribe and unsubscribe to any available event programmatically.

These are the supported events:

Event type Description
workspace_added Triggers when a workspace is added.
workspace_updated Triggers when a workspace is updated.
workspace_deleted Triggers when a workspace is deleted.
workspace_user_added Triggers when a user is added to a workspace.
workspace_user_updated Triggers when a user is updated inside a workspace.
workspace_user_removed Triggers when a user is removed from a workspace.
channel_added Triggers when a channel is added.
channel_updated Triggers when a channel is updated.
channel_deleted Triggers when a channel is deleted.
channel_user_added Triggers when a user is added to a channel.
channel_user_removed Triggers when a user is removed from a channel.
thread_added Triggers when a thread is added.
thread_updated Triggers when a thread is updated.
thread_deleted Triggers when a thread is deleted.
comment_added Triggers when a comment is added.
comment_updated Triggers when a comment is updated.
comment_deleted Triggers when a comment is deleted.
message_added Triggers when a message is added.
message_updated Triggers when a message is updated.
message_deleted Triggers when a message is deleted.
group_added Triggers when a group is added.
group_updated Triggers when a group is updated.
group_deleted Triggers when a group is deleted.
group_user_added Triggers when a user is added to a group.
group_user_removed Triggers when a user is removed from a group.

Subscribe to a hook


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d target_url=<unique_target_url> \
  -d event=workspace_user_added

To start listening to changes you have to subscribe to a hook. The following parameters are accepted in the subscribe request:

Name Required Description
target_url String Yes The URL we should call when an event happens.
event String Yes What Twist event should trigger the call.
workspace_id Integer No Only trigger for following workspace_id.
channel_id Integer No Only trigger for following channel_id.
thread_id Integer No Only trigger for following thread_id.
conversation_id Integer No Only trigger for following conversation_id.

It just needs to be done once, the target_url will receive the events until it receives an unsubscribe command.

On a successful creation, Twist will return a 201 Created and a 403 Forbidden will be thrown if the access token scope does not have the permission to subscribe to the specified event type.

When an event happens, we'll send a request to your target_url that will be JSON encoded. The payload will be the object that triggered the event, for example, channel_added will include the channel object.

For every webhook request we send to your target_url, we expect a HTTP status 2xx in response. If we receive a non-2xx response, we will still try again 5 times before giving up.

Unsubscribe from a hook


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d target_url=<unique_target_url>

To stop listening to changes just unsubscribe your hook. The following parameters are accepted:

Name Required Description
target_url String Yes The URL we should unsubscribe.

On a successful unsubscribe, we return a 200 OK.


Webhooks allow you to interact with Twist data when changes occur, or when you wish to post to Twist from some other source. We currently have two different ways in which this can be achieved depending on your needs.

REST hooks

We have two places where these hooks fit in:

Incoming webhooks are essentially just a URL for you to send your data to and it will then appear in the channel/thread.

Outgoing webhooks, however, are URLs provided when the integration is installed, we will then send relevant channel/thread updates to that URL. When these POST calls are made, you can have return content sent back which Twist will then display to the user.

Please see the relevant references for each of these.

OAuth hooks

OAuth webhooks provide a way for 3rd parties to subscribe to changes as they happen, they do not need to be put in when the integration is installed, so these can be done at any point by the 3rd party.

These allow for a finer tuned experience as individual events can be subscribed to, unlike REST hooks which are specific to their area.

Please see the relevant references for what you can subscribe to and how to manage that subscription.


Add a bot user to your integration and interact with users conversationally.

Example usage: A internal support bot that helps your team serve customers better.

How a bot works

A bot is a user that will get added to a workspace as a guest when your integration gets installed.

Users can interact with the bot both using messages, but also via threads and comments. To communicate via threads and comments the bot needs to be part of the channel and needs to be a recipient.

Your bot will get removed from the workspace when your integration is uninstalled.

Outgoing webhook on bot activity

Note: Outgoing webhook for bots is different from the one provided by OAuth. 😉

We'll send an outgoing webhook whenever your bot is messaged (e.g., a new comment is added, and the bot is one of the recipients).

It sends an HTTPS POST request to your specified URL and your webhook handler can respond to add data back to Twist.

The outgoing hooks can work with any language or framework — as long as they support HTTPS and JSON.

You don't need to respond right away; you can also post a request to the url_callback that is provided via the payload. Simply respond to the initial webhook call with 204 No Content and your integration can continue to work and respond at its convenience. url_callback is only valid for 30 minutes, please inspect url_ttl to ensure that it's still valid.

Adding content back

JSON return

    "content": "📹 [/whereby whereby_username](",
    "attachments": "[...]",
    "actions": "[...]"

If your handler wishes to post a quick, simple response back, use the following JSON response:

{"content": "42 is the answer to everything."}

Bots can also add both attachments, and action buttons by including them as part of the json response. This applies to whether your integration responds immediately, or via the url_callback URL, and should be added to the json in the same manner as if you were posting a new message.

Note that using the @username notation within content field of the bot reply to tag a specific recipient for the message is currently not supported.

Error handling

Non-2xx responses will be retried 3 times in the span of 30 minutes.

Users add new objects

When a new message, thread or a new comment is added, you can expect following default parameters.

Name Description
event_type String Can be message, thread or comment — depending where the bot was contacted.
workspace_id Integer The workspace the object was posted in.
content String The content of object, e.g. thread or message content.
user_id Integer The id of the poster.
user_name String The name of the poster.
url_callback String An URL you can use to delay the response from the bot.
url_ttl Integer Unix UTC timestamp of when url_callback expires.

When event_type is thread or channel, we'll also send these fields:

Name Description
thread_id Integer id of the thread
thread_title String title of the thread
channel_id Integer id of the channel which the thread is part of

When event_type is message, we'll also send these fields:

Name Description
comment_id Integer id of the comment
conversation_title String Title of the conversation


For debugging purposes, you might get a ping payload. You should respond back with a JSON {"content": "pong"}.

Name Optional Description
event_type String No Will be ping.
user_id Integer No The id of the pinger.
user_name String No The full name of the pinger.

Channel Updates

Channel Updates integrations are installed on a channel level and can post new threads.

It provides an URL for distribution and installation, so the integration developer can provide it to his users. The installation page asks for write permission to one channel and also which teams it should notify. In case the schedule option was used, it will also ask for the recurrence period and source of data.

Example usage: A growth report that Twist posts on a weekly or monthly basis to the same channel.

Incoming webhook for channels

Sometimes a developer just wants an incoming webhook URL to post via manually via curl (for example) or to include in the Continuous Integration build. It can be done via OAuth integration by using the token provided or via channel or thread integration.

To do that using a channel integration, you just have to create and install it. After the installation, Twist will provide the URL for manual posting.

Please follow the subsection on How to post data from a channel integration.

Outgoing webhook for channels

Note: Outgoing webhook for channels is really different from the one provided by OAuth. 😉

Outgoing webhooks send data when an activity happens (e.g. a new comment is added to the thread or an uninstall happens).

It sends an HTTPS POST request to your specified URL and your webhook handler can respond to add data back to Twist. The payload depends on the integration type.

The outgoing hooks can work with any language or framework — as long as they support HTTPS and JSON.

Adding content back

If your handler wishes to post a response back, use the following JSON response:

{"content": "42 is the answer to everything."}

Error handling

Non-200 responses will be retried 10 times in the span of 12 hours.

Users add new objects

When a new message, thread or a new comment is added, you can expect following parameters.

Name Optional Description
event_type String No Can be message, thread or comment
workspace_id Integer No The workspace the object was posted in.
content String No The content of object, e.g. thread or message content.
user_id Integer No The id of the poster.
user_name String No The name of the poster.
conversation_id Integer Yes Will be set if event_type is message.
conversation_title String Yes Will be set if event_type is message.
thread_id Integer Yes Will be set if event_type is thread or comment.
thread_title String Yes Will be set if event_type is thread or comment.
channel_id Integer Yes Will be set if event_type is thread or comment.
comment_id Integer Yes Will be set if event_type is comment.

Uninstall happens

When a team uninstalls your integration, you can expect the following parameters. You can use this to clean up any state you may have on your end.

Name Optional Description
event_type String No Will be uninstall.
install_id Integer No The unique id of the installation.
workspace_id Integer No The workspace the installation belonged to.
user_id Integer No The id of the uninstaller.
user_name String No The full name of the uninstaller.

Ping happens

For debugging purposes, you might get a ping payload. You should respond back with a JSON {"content": "pong"}.

Name Optional Description
event_type String No Will be ping.
user_id Integer No The id of the pinger.
user_name String No The full name of the pinger.

Configure URL for channel integrations

We redirect users to the configure URL when setting up the integration. The configured URL lets you connect the installation to your app and also includes an incoming webhook URL, which you can use as an easy way to manually post new threads into Twist as an integration.

You'll get following GET parameters served to your configure URL:

GET Parameters

Name Required Description
install_id Integer Yes The unique id of the installation.
post_data_url String Yes A unique URL you can use to post content to Twist.
user_id Integer Yes The id of the installer.
user_name String Yes The full name of the installer.

To get back to the installation page, please use{install_id}.

How to post data from a channel integration

CURL example

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
    --data '{"content":"42?"}' \

Simply make a POST request to the post_data_url. In the POST include your data encoded in JSON.

POST Parameters

Name Required Description
content String Yes The content of the new object.
title String No Title of the new thread.

URL Reports

// JSON: Sample URL Report Response

// Response header:
Content-type: application/json

// Response body:
    "title": "Webdev snippets | <date>",
    "content": "**Please** share your weeky snippets"

// Plain Text: Sample URL Report Response

**Please** share your weeky snippets

URL Reports are a way for integrations like Auto-reports to retrieve real content from an external source via a POST request and send it into Twist.

During the integration setup, the user provides a Content URL, which will be called based on the configuration of the integration (e.g., every week). The data the remote URL returns will then be posted into Twist.

When combined with the schedule feature, it can become a way to post updates from external sources into Twist automatically.

The URL endpoints the user defines can return two types of content:


If the remote endpoint response contains the Content-type: application/json header, Twist will interpret the response as JSON. Two fields are supported:

Note that you can use <date> in the title, and we will convert it to the current date.

Plain Text

If the remote endpoint response doesn't contain the Content-type: application/json header, Twist will interpret as plaintext content for a new thread. In this scenario, Markdown is also supported.

Thread Updates

Thread Updates integration is installed on a thread level, and they can post new comments.

It provides an URL for distribution and installation, so the integration developer can provide it to his users. The installation page asks for write permission to one channel or thread and which teams it should notify.

Example usage: Post comments when new issues are added to a GitHub repository.

Incoming webhook for threads

Sometimes a developer just want an incoming webhook URL to post via some script or external system without setting up a webserver and so on. It can be done via OAuth integration by using the token provided or via channel or thread integration.

To do that using a thread integration, you just have to create and install it. After the installation, Twist will provide the URL for manual posting.

Please follow the subsection on How to post data from a thread integration.

Outgoing webhook for threads

Note: Outgoing webhook for threads is really different from the one provided by OAuth. 😉

Outgoing webhooks send data when an activity happens (e.g. a new comment is added to the thread or an uninstall happens).

It sends an HTTPS POST request to your specified URL and your webhook handler can respond to add data back to Twist. The payload depends on the integration type.

The outgoing hooks can work with any language or framework — as long as they support HTTPS and JSON.

Adding content back

If your handler wishes to post a response back, use the following JSON response:

{"content": "42 is the answer to everything."}

Error handling

Non-200 responses will be retried 10 times in the span of 12 hours.

Users add new objects

When a new message, thread or a new comment is added, you can expect following parameters.

Name Optional Description
event_type String No Can be message, thread or comment.
workspace_id Integer No The workspace the object was posted in.
content String No The content of object, e.g. thread or message content.
user_id Integer No The id of the poster.
user_name String No The name of the poster.
conversation_id Integer Yes Will be set if event_type is message.
conversation_title String Yes Will be set if event_type is message.
thread_id Integer Yes Will be set if event_type is thread or comment.
thread_title String Yes Will be set if event_type is thread or comment.
channel_id Integer Yes Will be set if event_type is thread or comment.
comment_id Integer Yes Will be set if event_type is comment.

Uninstall happens

When a team uninstalls your integration, you can expect following parameters. You can use this to clean up any state you may have on your end.

Name Optional Description
event_type String No Will be uninstall.
install_id Integer No The unique id of the installation.
workspace_id Integer No The workspace the installation belonged to.
user_id Integer No The id of the uninstaller.
user_name String No The full name of the uninstaller.

Ping happens

For debugging purposes, you might get a ping payload. You should respond back with a JSON {"content": "pong"}.

Name Optional Description
event_type String No Will be ping.
user_id Integer No The id of the pinger.
user_name String No The full name of the pinger.

Configure URL for thread integrations

We redirect users to the configure URL when setting up the integration. The configured URL lets you connect the installation with your app and also includes an incoming webhook URL, which you can use as an easy way to post messages into Twist.

You'll get following GET parameters served to your configure URL:

GET Parameters

Name Required Description
install_id Integer Yes The unique id of the installation.
post_data_url String Yes A unique URL you can use to post content to Twist.
user_id Integer Yes The id of the installer.
user_name String Yes The full name of the installer.

To get back to the installation page, please use{install_id}.

How to post data from a thread integration

CURL example

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
    --data '{"content":"42?"}' \

Simply make a POST request to the post_data_url. In the POST include your data encoded in JSON.

POST Parameters

Name Required Description
content String Yes The content of the new object.


HTTPS enforcing

Twist enforces HTTPS everywhere, including our production integrations. It means that all production URLs that communicate with Twist somehow have to use HTTPS. If you need a certificate, we highly recommend Let's Encrypt. Furthermore, we also enforce certificate chain check.


It's important to be aware of the timeout restrictions on your integration. The restriction will be applied to Bots. Understanding the timeout restrictions can help you plan out your architecture strategy for your integration.

If your integration does not respond in under 10 seconds the server will drop the connection and try again as stated in the Error handling sections for each integration type.

Code Examples

To help you get started quickly integrating with Twist, we've written a few code samples that could come in handy.

If you're missing a sample for the problem you're trying to solve, ping us at integrations [at] and let's talk! Alternatively, consider creating a pull request with the sample against our repo, we're accepting contributions. :-)

Authentication Examples

Bot Examples

Webhooks Examples

General API Interaction Examples

Batching requests


$ curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
    -d requests='[{"method": "GET", "url": ""},
        {"method": "GET", "url": ""}]'

POST /api/v3/batch

Batching allows you to pass several requests in a single HTTP request. Once all operations have been completed, a consolidated response will be passed back to you and the HTTP connection will be closed.

Return object

    "code": 200,
    "headers": "...",
    "body": "..."
    "code": 200,
    "headers": "...",
    "body": "..."


Name Required Description
requests List of Objects Yes The requests to send.
requests["method"] String Yes The HTTP method like GET or POST.
requests["url"] String Yes The completed URL with any arguments needed.


A user represents a real person who collaborates with other users.

User object:

  "scheduled_banners": [
  "short_name": "User",
  "contact_info": "",
  "bot": false,
  "profession": "",
  "snooze_dnd_start": null,
  "client_id": "9ea8c3de-349e-11e7-976e-06b24c4507db",
  "timezone": "UTC",
  "removed": false,
  "avatar_id": "c5f14f4da3ee2479a26c65c630c21765",
  "avatar_urls": {
    "s35": "",
    "s60": "",
    "s195": "",
    "s640": ""
  "id": 10073,
  "comet_channel": "10073-15c9c64dae211c526c77164d31dd5b6e9eabcdda",
  "lang": "en",
  "away_mode": {
    "date_from": "2018-08-09",
    "type": "other",
    "date_to": "2018-08-10"
  "first_name": "User",
  "comet_server": "",
  "name": "User",
  "off_days": [],
  "restricted": false,
  "default_workspace": 5517,
  "token": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567",
  "snooze_dnd_end": null,
  "snoozed": false,
  "email": "",
  "setup_pending": false,
  "snooze_until": -1,

Properties of user object

Name Description
scheduled_banners List of Strings A list of banners to be shown to the user.
short_name String The user's short name.
contact_info String The user's contact info.
bot Boolean Whether user is a bot.
profession String The user's profession.
snooze_dnd_start String Start time of do-not-disturb snooze for notifications.
client_id String The user's client id
timezone String The user's timezone.
removed Boolean Whether the user has been removed.
avatar_id String The user's avatar id.
avatar_urls Object A list of urls representing the user's avatar. Keys are image sizes (s35, s60, s195, s640), values are the urls.
id Integer The id of the user.
comet_channel String The comet channel.
lang String The user's language.
away_mode Object Away mode sets the user as away until some future date.
away_mode#type String The reason of being in away mode may be parental, vacation, sickleave, or other.
away_mode#date_from String The start date of the away mode in a %Y-%m-%d format. The date_from parameter is inclusive. optional.
away_mode#date_to String The end date of the away mode in a %Y-%m-%d format. The date_to parameter is exclusive, which means the user will start receiving notifications on this date.
first_name String The user's first name.
comet_server String The comet server.
name String The user's full name.
off_days List of integers Sets the user's off days (where they will get no notifications). It should be an array of integers representing ISO weekdays, e.g. 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday. E.g. [6, 7].
restricted Boolean Whether the user is restricted.
default_workspace Integer The user's default workspace.
token String The user's API token.
snooze_dnd_end String Stop time of do-not-disturb snooze for notifications.
snoozed Boolean Whether notifications are snoozed.
email String The user's email.
setup_pending Integer/Boolean Whether setup is pending.
snooze_until Integer Snooze notifications for the specified number of seconds.



curl -X POST \
  -d \
  -d password=secret

POST /api/v3/users/login

Logs in existing user.


Name Required Description
email String Yes The user's email.
password String Yes The user's password.
set_session_cookie Boolean No By default, a session cookie is set for the user.

Return value

The user object.

Log out


curl -X POST

POST /api/v3/users/logout

Logs out user, and resets the session.

Get current user


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567"

GET /api/v3/users/get_session_user

Gets the associated user for access token used in the request.

Return value

The User object is returned.



curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d name=User

POST /api/v3/users/update

Update the logged-in user's details


Name Required Description
name String No The user's full name.
email String No The user's email.
password String No The user's password.
default_workspace Integer No The user's default workspace.
profession String No The user's profession.
contact_info String No The user's contact info.
timezone String No The user's timezone.
snooze_until Integer No Snooze notifications for the specified number of seconds.
snooze_dnd_start String No Start time of do-not-disturb snooze for notifications.
snooze_dnd_end String No Stop time of do-not-disturb snooze for notifications.
away_mode Object No Away mode sets the user as away until some future date.
away_mode#type String No The reason of being in away mode may be parental, vacation, sickleave, or other.
away_mode#date_from String No The start date of the away mode in a %Y-%m-%d format. The date_from parameter is inclusive. optional
away_mode#date_to String No The end date of the away mode in a %Y-%m-%d format. The date_to parameter is exclusive, which means the user will start receiving notifications on this date.
off_days List of integers No Sets the user's off days (where they will get no notifications). It should be an array of integers representing ISO weekdays, e.g. 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday. E.g. [6, 7]

Return value

The updated user object is returned.

Update password


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d new_password=newsecret

POST /api/v3/users/update_password

Updates the user's password.


Name Required Description
new_password String Yes The user's new password.

Return value

The user object is returned.

Update avatar


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -F image=@avatar.jpg

POST /api/v3/users/update_avatar

Updates the user's avatar. It currently supports the following formats:

Note: the maximum allowed size for the avatar is 10MB


Name Required Description
image String Yes Avatar image uploaded as multipart/form-data.

Return value

The updated user object is returned.

Invalidate token


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \

POST /api/v3/users/invalidate_token

Invalidates API token and generates a new token for the user.

Return value

The user object is returned, which also includes the new token.

Validate token


curl -X POST \
  -d token=0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567

POST /api/v3/users/validate_token

Validates the user token.

Set presence


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=5517 \
  -d platform=api

POST /api/v3/users/heartbeat

Marks user as active on workspace.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
platform String Yes The platform can be one of mobile, desktop or api.

Reset presence


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=5517

POST /api/v3/users/reset_presence

Marks user as inactive on workspace.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Reset password


curl -X POST \

POST /api/v3/users/reset_password

Sends an email to reset the user's password.


Name Required Description
email String Yes The user's email.

Set password based on reset code


curl -X POST \
  -d reset_code=12345abcef
  -d new_password=newsecret

POST /api/v3/users/set_password

Sets the user password based on a reset code.


Name Required Description
reset_code String Yes The reset code sent via email.
new_password String Yes The user's new password.

Return value

The updated user object is returned.

Check Google connection


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \

GET /api/v3/users/is_connected_to_google

Checks whether user's account is connected to a Google account.

Return value:

   "google_connection": true,
   "google_email": ""

Disconnect from Google


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \

POST /api/v3/users/disconnect_google

Disconnects user's account from Google account.

Delete user


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d password=userspw

POST /api/v3/users/delete

Delete the user. This deletes identifiable data such as full name and emails. This does not delete the user's content as the content is owned by the workspace.


Name Required Description
password String Yes The user's password.

Return value

A {"status": "ok"} if the user is successfully deleted.


A workspace is a shared place between different users. In the Twist UI they are usually called teams.

Workspace object:

   "id": 5517,
   "name": "Workspace1",
   "default_channel": 6984,
   "default_conversation": 13030,
   "creator": 10073,
   "created_ts": 1494323073,
   "avatar_id": "c5f14f4da3ee2479a26c65c630c21765",
   "avatar_urls": {
     "s35": "",
     "s60": "",
     "s195": "",
     "s640": ""
   "plan": "unlimited"

Properties of workspace object

Name Description
id Integer The id of the workspace.
name String The name of the new workspace.
default_channel Integer The id of the default channel.
default_conversation Integer The id of the default conversation.
creator Integer The id of the user that created the workspace.
created_ts Integer The Unix time when the workspace was created.
avatar_id String The workspace's avatar id (logo).
avatar_urls Object A list of urls representing the workspace's avatar. Keys are image sizes (s35, s60, s195, s640), values are the urls.
plan String The type of payment plan, either free or unlimited.

Get workspace


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517

GET /api/v3/workspaces/getone

Gets a single workspace object by id.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Return value

A workspace object is returned.

Get default workspace


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567"

GET /api/v3/workspaces/get_default

Gets the user's default workspace.

Return value

A workspace object is returned.

Get all workspaces


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567"

GET /api/v3/workspaces/get

Gets all the user's workspaces.

Return value

A list of workspace objects is returned.

Add workspace


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d name=Workspace1

POST /api/v3/workspaces/add

Creates a new workspace.


Name Required Description
name String Yes The name of the new workspace.
temp_id Integer No The temporary id of the workspace.

Return value

A workspace object is returned.

Update workspace


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=63109 \
  -d name="New Name"

POST /api/v3/workspaces/update

Updates an existing workspace.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
name String No The name of the workspace.

Return value

The updated workspace object is returned.

Update workspace avatar


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -F image=@avatar.jpg

POST /api/v3/workspaces/update_avatar

Updates the workspace's avatar (logo). The following formats are supported:

Note: the maximum allowed size for the avatar is 10MB.


Name Required Description
image String Yes Avatar image uploaded as multipart/form-data.

Return value

The updated workspace object is returned.

Remove workspace


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \
  -d current_password=secret

POST /api/v3/workspaces/remove

Removes a workspace and all its data (not recoverable).


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
current_password String Yes The user's current password.

Get public channels


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517

GET /api/v3/workspaces/get_public_channels

Gets the public channels of workspace.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Return value:

    "workspace_id": 32345,
    "user_ids": [
    "name": "Marketing",
    "creator": 124657,
    "created_ts": 1518534447,
    "description": "",
    "archived": false,
    "id": 10302,
    "public": true

Workspace users

A workspace user has fewer attributes than the currently logged-in user because it represents the public information other users can see.

Example workspace user object

    "avatar_id": null,
    "away_mode": {
        "date_from": "2019-03-19",
        "type": "vacation",
        "date_to": "2019-04-01"
    "bot": false,
    "contact_info": "",
    "date_format": "MM/DD/YYYY",
    "email": "",
    "feature_flags": [
    "first_name": "Librarian",
    "id": 200000,
    "name": "Librarian Doe",
    "profession": "Writing and keeping docs",
    "removed": true,
    "restricted": false,
    "setup_pending": false,
    "short_name": "Librarian D.",
    "time_format": "12",
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "user_type": "USER"

Properties of workspace user object

Name Description
avatar_id String A hash used to find the avatar image.
away_mode Object Away mode sets the user as away until some future date. See User for more details.
bot Boolean Whether user is a bot.
date_format String The format the date is displayed. Example: MM/DD/YYYY.
email String The user's email.
feature_flags List of String A list of features that are enabled, mostly used for official apps.
first_name String The user's first name.
id Integer The id of the user.
name String The user's full name.
profession String The user's profession.
removed Boolean Whether the user has been removed.
restricted Boolean Whether the user is restricted.
setup_pending Integer/Boolean Whether setup is pending.
short_name String The user's short name.
time_format String The format the time should be displayed. It can be 12 or 24.
timezone Integer The user's timezone.
user_type String The user's type one of USER, ADMIN or GUEST.

Get workspace users

GET /api/v4/workspace_users/get

Returns a list of workspace user objects for the given workspace id.


curl -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Get workspace users ids

GET /api/v4/workspace_users/get_ids

Returns a list of workspace user ids for the given workspace id.


curl -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Add user to workspace


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \

POST /api/v4/workspace_users/add

Adds a person to a workspace.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
email String Yes The user's email.
name String No The user's name.
user_type String No The user type. E.g., ('USER', 'GUEST', 'ADMIN')
channel_ids List of Integers No A list of the channels ids. Ex: '[100, 101, 102]'

Return value

A workspace user object is returned.

Expected errors

Error code Error explanation HTTP status code
213 The workspace has reached the maximum number of users. 403

Resend invite


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \

POST /api/v4/workspace_users/resend_invite

Sends a new Workspace invitation to the selected user.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
email String Yes The user's email.
user_id Integer No The id of the user to invite. If available, it will be used instead of the user's email.

Update user


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \
  -d \
  -d user_type=USER

POST /api/v4/workspace_users/update

Updates a person in a workspace. Note that one of email or user_id arguments is required.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
user_type String Yes The user's type one of USER, ADMIN or GUEST.
email String Yes (or user_id) The email of the user to be updated.
user_id Integer Yes (or email) The id of the user to update.

Return value

The updated workspace user object is returned.

Remove user from workspace


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \

POST /api/v4/workspace_users/remove

Removes a person from a workspace.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
email String Yes The user's email.
user_id Integer No The id of the user to remove. If available, it will be used instead of the user's email.

Get user by id


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \
  -d user_id=10073

GET /api/v4/workspace_users/getone

Gets a user by id.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
user_id Integer Yes The user's id.

Return value

A workspace user object is returned.

Get user by email


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \

GET /api/v4/workspace_users/get_by_email

Gets a user by email.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
email String Yes The user's email.

Return value

A workspace user object is returned.

Get user info


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \
  -d user_id=10073

GET /api/v4/workspace_users/get_info

Gets the user's info in the context of the workspace.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
user_id Integer Yes The user's id.

Get local time of user


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \
  -d user_id=10073

GET /api/v4/workspace_users/get_local_time

Gets the user's local time.

Return value:

"2017-05-10 07:55:40"


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
user_id Integer Yes The user's id.

Workspace users (deprecated)

Workspace user object

Example workspace user object

    "avatar_id": null,
    "away_mode": {
        "date_from": "2019-03-19",
        "type": "vacation",
        "date_to": "2019-04-01"
    "bot": false,
    "contact_info": "",
    "date_format": "MM/DD/YYYY",
    "email": "",
    "feature_flags": [
    "first_name": "Librarian",
    "id": 200000,
    "name": "Librarian Doe",
    "profession": "Writing and keeping docs",
    "removed": true,
    "restricted": false,
    "setup_pending": false,
    "short_name": "Librarian D.",
    "time_format": "12",
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "user_type": "USER"

A workspace user has fewer attributes than the currently logged-in user because it represents the public information other users can see.

Properties of workspace user object

Name Description
avatar_id String A hash used to find the avatar image.
away_mode Object Away mode sets the user as away until some future date. See User for more details.
bot Boolean Whether user is a bot.
date_format String The format the date is displayed. Example: MM/DD/YYYY.
email String The user's email.
feature_flags List of String A list of features that are enabled, mostly used for official apps.
first_name String The user's first name.
id Integer The id of the user.
name String The user's full name.
profession String The user's profession.
removed Boolean Whether the user has been removed.
restricted Boolean Whether the user is restricted.
setup_pending Integer/Boolean Whether setup is pending.
short_name String The user's short name.
time_format String The format the time should be displayed. It can be 12 or 24.
timezone Integer The user's timezone.
user_type String The user's type one of USER, ADMIN or GUEST.

Get workspace users

GET /api/v3/workspaces/get_users

Returns a list of workspace user objects for the given workspace id.


curl -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Add user to workspace


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \

POST /api/v3/workspaces/add_user

Adds a person to a workspace.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
email String Yes The user's email.
name String No The user's name.
user_type String No The user type ('USER', 'GUEST', 'ADMIN')
channel_ids List of Integers No A list of the channels ids. Ex: '[100, 101, 102]'

Return value

A workspace user object is returned.

Expected errors

Error code Error explanation HTTP status code
213 The workspace has reached the maximum number of users. 403

Resend invite


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \

POST /api/v3/workspaces/resend_invite

Sends a new Workspace invitation to the selected user.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
email String Yes The user's email.
user_id Integer No The id of the user to invite. If available, it will be used instead of the user's email.

Update user


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \
  -d \
  -d user_type=USER

POST /api/v3/workspaces/update_user

Updates a person in a workspace. Note that one of email or user_id arguments is required.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
user_type String Yes The user's type one of USER, ADMIN or GUEST.
email String Yes (or user_id) The email of the user to be updated.
user_id Integer Yes (or email) The id of the user to update.

Return value

The updated workspace user object is returned.

Remove user from workspace


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \

POST /api/v3/workspaces/remove_user

Removes a person from a workspace.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
email String Yes The user's email.
user_id Integer No The id of the user to remove. If available, it will be used instead of the user's email.

Get user by email


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \

GET /api/v3/workspaces/get_user_by_email

Gets a user by email.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
email String Yes The user's email.

Return value

A workspace user object is returned.

Get user by id


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \
  -d user_id=10073

GET /api/v3/workspaces/get_user_by_id

Gets a user by id.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
user_id Integer Yes The user's id.

Return value

A workspace user object is returned.

Get user info


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \
  -d user_id=10073

GET /api/v3/workspaces/get_user_info

Gets the user's info in the context of the workspace.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
user_id Integer Yes The user's id.

Get local time of user


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517 \
  -d user_id=10073

GET /api/v3/workspaces/get_user_local_time

Gets the user's local time.

Return value:

"2017-05-10 07:55:40"


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
user_id Integer Yes The user's id.


A group organizes team members together so that you can communicate with them more easily. By doing so, a Twist group can be set to be notified in a thread and all members of that group will get the thread update in their inbox.

Group object:

   "id": 498,
   "name": "Group1",
   "description": null,
   "user_ids": [],
   "workspace_id": 5517,

Properties of group object

Name Description
id Integer The id of the group.
name String The name of the group.
description String The description of the group.
user_ids List of Integers The users that are part of the group.
workspace_id Integer The id of the workspace.

Get group


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d id=498

GET /api/v3/groups/getone

Gets a single group object.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the group.

Return value

A group object is returned.

Get all groups


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d workspace_id=5517

GET /api/v3/groups/get

Gets all groups in a workspace.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Return value

A list of group objects is returned.

Add group


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d workspace_id=5571 \
  -d name=Group1 \
  -d user_ids='[10073]'

POST /api/v3/groups/add

Adds a new group to a workspace.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
name String Yes The name of the new group.
user_ids List of Integers No The users that will comprise the group.

Return value

A group object is returned.

Update group


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d id=498 \
  -d name=Group1

POST /api/v3/groups/update

Updates an existing group.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the group.
name String Yes The name of the group.

Return value

The updated group object is returned.

Remove group


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d id=498

POST /api/v3/groups/remove

Removes a group.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the group.

Add user to group


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d id=498 \
  -d user_id=10076

POST /api/v3/groups/add_user

Adds a person to a group.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the group.
user_id Integer Yes The user's id.

Add users to group


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d id=498 \
  -d user_ids='[10073,10076]'

POST /api/v3/groups/add_users

Adds several people to a group.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the group.
user_ids List of Integers Yes The ids of the users.

Remove user from group


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d id=498 \
  -d user_id=10076

POST /api/v3/groups/remove_user

Removes a person from a group.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the group.
user_id Integer Yes The user's id.

Remove users from group


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d id=498 \
  -d user_ids='[10073,10076]'

POST /api/v3/groups/remove_users

Removes several people from a group.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the group.
user_ids List of Integers Yes The ids of the users.


Channels organize your team’s threads around broad topics like team, project, location, or area of interest. They make it easier for teams to browse and find the information they need.

Channel object:

     "id": 6984,
     "name": "Channel1",
     "description": "",
     "creator": 10073,
     "user_ids": [
     "color": 1,
     "public": true,
     "workspace_id": 5517,
     "archived": false,
     "created_ts": 1494323074,
     "use_default_recipients": true,
     "default_groups": [],
     "default_recipients": [],
     "is_favorited": false,
     "icon": 1

Properties of channel object

Name Description
id Integer The id of the channel.
name String The name of the channel.
description String The description of the channel.
creator Integer The user that created the channel.
user_ids List of Integers The users that will participate in the channel.
color Integer The color of the channel. See Colors
public Boolean If enabled, the channel will be marked as public.
workspace_id Integer The id of the workspace.
archived Boolean Whether the channel is archived.
created_ts Integer The Unix time when the channel was created.
use_default_recipients Boolean Whether the channel should use default recipients.
default_groups List of Integers An array of groups (e.g. default_groups: [10000, 10001]) who should be notified by default.
default_recipients List of Integers An array of users (e.g. default_recipients: [10000, 10001]) who should be notified by default.
is_favorited Boolean Whether the channel is favorited.
icon Integer The icon of the channel. See Icons

Get channel


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=6984

GET /api/v3/channels/getone

Gets a single channel object by id.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the channel.

Return value

A channel object is returned.

Get all channels


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=5517

GET /api/v3/channels/get

Gets all channels in a workspace.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
archived Boolean No If enabled, only archived conversations are returned. By default this is disabled.

Return value

A list of channel objects is returned.

Add channel


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=5517 \
  -d name=Channel1

POST /api/v3/channels/add

Adds a new channel.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
name String Yes The name of the new channel. Minimum length is 1 and maximum length is 80 Unicode code points.
temp_id Integer No The temporary id of the channel.
user_ids List of Integers No The users that will participate in the channel.
color Integer No The color of the channel. See Colors
public Boolean No If enabled, the channel will be marked as public. Defaults to false.
description String No The description of the channel.
default_groups List of Integers No An array of groups (e.g. default_groups: [10000, 10001]) who should be notified by default.
default_recipients List of Integers No An array of users (e.g. default_recipients: [10000, 10001]) who should be notified by default.
is_favorited Boolean No Whether the channel is favorited.
icon Integer No The icon of the channel. See Icons

Return value

A channel object is returned.

Update channel


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=6984 \
  -d name=Channel1

POST /api/v3/channels/update

Updates an existing channel.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the channel.
name String Yes The name of the new channel. Minimum length is 1 and maximum length is 80 Unicode code points.
color Integer No The color of the channel. See Colors
public Boolean No If enabled, the channel will be marked as public.
description String No The description of the channel.
default_groups List of Integers No An array of groups (e.g. default_groups: [10000, 10001]) who should be notified by default.
default_recipients List of Integers No An array of users (e.g. default_recipients: [10000, 10001]) who should be notified by default.
is_favorited Boolean No Whether the channel is favorited.
icon Integer No The icon of the channel. See Icons

Return value

The updated channel object is returned.

Archive channel


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=6984

POST /api/v3/channels/archive

Archives a channel.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the channel.

Unarchive channel


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=6984

POST /api/v3/channels/unarchive

Unarchives a channel.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the channel.

Favorite channel


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=6984

POST /api/v3/channels/favorite

Favorites a channel.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the channel.

Unfavorite channel


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=6984

POST /api/v3/channels/unfavorite

Ununfavorites a channel.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the channel.

Remove channel


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=6984

POST /api/v3/channels/remove

Removes a channel. This action requires the specified channel to have been archived first.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the channel.

Add user to channel


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=6984 \
  -d user_id=10076

POST /api/v3/channels/add_user

Adds a person to a channel.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the channel.
user_id Integer Yes The user's id.

Add users to channel


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=6984 \
  -d user_ids='[10076]'

POST /api/v3/channels/add_users

Adds several people to a channel.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the channel.
user_ids List of Integers Yes The ids of the users.

Remove user from channel


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=6984 \
  -d user_id=10076

POST /api/v3/channels/remove_user

Removes a person from a channel.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the channel.
user_id Integer Yes The user's id.

Remove users from channel


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=6984 \
  -d user_ids='[10076]'

POST /api/v3/channels/remove_users

Removes several people from a channel.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the channel.
user_ids List of Integers Yes The ids of the users.


Channels provide a color ID which relate to the following colors:

Id Hexadecimal Name
0 #606060 Grey
1 #4A90E2 Blue
2 #03B3B2 Turquoise
3 #008299 Teal Blue
4 #82BA00 Green
5 #D24726 Red
6 #AC193D Berry Red
7 #DC4FAD Magenta
8 #3BD5FB Sky Blue
9 #74E8D3 Mint Green
10 #FFCC00 Yellow
11 #FB886E Salmon


Channels provide a color ID which can be between 1 and 255.


Threads keep your team’s conversations organized by specific topics.

Thread object:

   "content":"Let's discuss the Twist API...",
   "participants":[10073, 10076],
   "pinned": true,
   "pinned_ts": 1494488710,

Properties of thread object

Name Description
actions List of Action buttons Action buttons attached to the comment.
attachments List of Attachments Files attached to the comment.
channel_id Integer The id of the channel.
comment_count Integer The number of comments.
content String The content of the thread. Mentions can be used as [Name](twist-mention://user_id) for users or [Group name](twist-group-mention://group_id) for groups. Check limits for size restrictions for the content.
creator Integer The user that created the thread.
direct_group_mentions List of Integers The groups that are directly mentioned.
direct_mentions List of Integers The users that are directly mentioned.
groups List of Integers The groups that will be notified.
id Integer The id of the thread.
last_edited_ts Integer The Unix time when the thread was last edited or null if it hasn't.
last_obj_index Integer The last comment's index. A value of -1 means the whole thread is unread.
last_updated_ts Integer The Unix time when the thread was last updated.
muted_until_ts Integer The Unix time until when the thread is muted.
participants List of Integers The users that were at some point attached to the thread or one of its comments.
pinned Boolean The flag that is set to "true" when the thread is pinned.
pinned_ts Integer or null The Unix time when the thread was pinned.
posted_ts Integer The Unix time when the thread was created.
reactions Object Reactions to the thread, where keys are the reactions and values the users that had that reaction.
recipients List of Integers or String An array of users (e.g. recipients: [10000, 10001]) who were notified in this thread or the string EVERYONE
snippet String A part of the last comment.
snippet_creator Integer The user id of the last comment.
starred Boolean Whether the thread is starred.
system_message String A system message.
title String The title of the thread.
workspace_id Integer The id of the workspace.
is_archived Boolean The flag that is set to "true" when the thread is archived
in_inbox Boolean The flag that is set to "true" when the thread is in the inbox

Get thread


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=32038

GET /api/v3/threads/getone

Gets a thread object by id.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.

Return value

A thread object is returned.

Get all threads


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d channel_id=6984

GET /api/v3/threads/get

Gets all threads in a channel.


Name Required Description
as_ids Boolean No If enabled, only the ids of the threads are returned.
channel_id Integer Yes The id of the channel.
filter_by String No A filter can be one of attached_to_me or everyone. Default is everyone.
limit Integer No Limits the number of threads returned (default is 20, maximum is 500).
newer_than_ts Integer No Limits threads to those newer when the specified Unix time.
older_than_ts Integer No Limits threads to those older when the specified Unix time.
before_id Integer No Limits threads to those with a lower than the specified id.
after_id Integer No Limits threads to those with a higher than the specified id.
workspace_id Integer No The id of the workspace.
is_pinned Boolean No If enabled, only pinned threads are returned.
is_starred Boolean No If enabled, only starred threads are returned.
order_by String No The order of the threads returned. Either desc (default, descending) or asc (ascending). Order is applied based on the last_updated attribute, or the thread id if before_id or after_id are used.
exclude_thread_ids List of Integers No The thread ids that should be excluded from the results.

Return value

A list of thread objects is returned.

Add thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d channel_id=6984 \
  -d recipients=[10000, 10001] \
  -d title=Thread1

# Create a thread with an attachment using two requests
curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d channel_id=6984 \
  -d recipients=EVERYONE \
  -d title=Thread1 \
  -d attachments=[$(curl -X POST -F attachment_id=$(uuidgen) -F file_name=@mytext.txt -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567")]

POST /api/v3/threads/add

Adds a new thread to a channel.


Name Required Description
actions List of Action Buttons No List of action to the new thread. More information about the format of the object available at the add an action button submenu.
attachments List of Attachments No List of attachments to the new thread. It must follow the JSON format returned by attachment#upload.
channel_id Integer Yes The id of the channel.
content String Yes The content of the new thread. Mentions can be used as [Name](twist-mention://user_id) for users or [Group name](twist-group-mention://group_id) for groups. Check limits for size restrictions for the content.
direct_group_mentions List of Integers No The groups that are directly mentioned.
direct_mentions List of Integers No The users that are directly mentioned.
groups List of Integers No The groups that will be notified.
recipients List of Integers or String No An array of users (e.g. recipients: [10000, 10001]) that will be attached to the thread. It also accepts the string EVERYONE, which notifies everyone in the workspace. If not included, the value will default to user_ids of the target channel. If you specify [], no Twist users will be notified, and the thread creator will become the sole participant.
send_as_integration Boolean No Displays the integration as the thread creator.
temp_id Integer No The temporary id of the thread.
title String Yes The title of the new thread. The minimum length is 1, and the maximum length is 300 Unicode code points.

Return value

A thread object is returned.

Update thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=32038 \
  -d title=Thread1

# Update a thread with an attachment using two requests
curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d channel_id=6984 \
  -d title=Thread1 \
  -d attachments=[$(curl -X POST -F attachment_id=$(uuidgen) -F file_name=@mytext.txt -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567")]

POST /api/v3/threads/update

Updates an existing thread.


Name Required Description
actions List of Action Buttons No List of action to the thread. More information about the format of the object available at the add an action button submenu.
attachments List of Attachments No List of attachments to the thread. It must follow the JSON format returned by attachment#upload.
content String No The content of the thread. Mentions can be used as [Name](twist-mention://user_id) for users or [Group name](twist-group-mention://group_id) for groups. Check limits for size restrictions for the content.
direct_group_mentions List of Integers No The groups that are directly mentioned.
direct_mentions List of Integers No The users that are directly mentioned.
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.
title String No The title of the thread. Minimum length is 1 and maximum length is 300 Unicode code points.

Return value

The updated thread object is returned.

Remove thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=32038

POST /api/v3/threads/remove

Removes a thread.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.

Star thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=32038

POST /api/v3/threads/star

Stars a thread. More information on what starring a thread is for can be found in Twist Help


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.

Unstar thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=32038

POST /api/v3/threads/unstar

Unstars a thread.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.

Pin thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=32038

POST /api/v3/threads/pin

Pins a thread.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.

Unpin thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=32038

POST /api/v3/threads/unpin

Unpins a thread.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.

Move thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=6984 \
  -d to_channel=6984

POST /api/v3/threads/move_to_channel

Moves the thread to a different channel.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.
to_channel Integer Yes The target channel's id.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.

Get unread threads


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=5517

GET /api/v3/threads/get_unread

Gets unread threads in a workspace for the authenticated user.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Return value:

        "channel_id": 85302,
        "thread_id": 439203,
        "obj_index": 1,
        "direct_mention": false

Return value

A list of unread thread objects.

Mark thread as read


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=32038 \
  -d obj_index=2

POST /api/v3/threads/mark_read

Marks the thread as being read.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.
obj_index Integer Yes The index of the last known read message.

Mark thread as unread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=32038 \
  -d obj_index=2

POST /api/v3/threads/mark_unread

Marks the thread as being unread.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.
obj_index Integer Yes The index of the last unread message. A value of -1 marks the whole thread as unread.

Mark thread as unread for others


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=32038 \
  -d obj_index=-1

POST /api/v3/threads/mark_unread_for_others

Marks the thread as being unread for others. Can be useful to notify others about thread changes.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.
obj_index Integer Yes The index of the last unread message. A value of -1 marks the whole thread as unread.

Mark all threads as read


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d channel_id=6984

POST /api/v3/threads/mark_all_read

Marks all threads in the workspace or channel as read.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes, this or channel_id. The id of the workspace.
channel_id Integer Yes, this or workspace_id. The id of the channel.

Clear unread threads


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=5517

POST /api/v3/threads/clear_unread

Clears unread threads in workspace.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Mute thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037 \
  -d minutes=30

POST /api/v3/threads/mute

Mutes a thread for a number of minutes. This means you will not get notified in your inbox when a thread has new comments left on it.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.
minutes Integer Yes The number of minutes to mute the thread.

Return value

A thread object is returned.

Unmute thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037

POST /api/v3/threads/unmute

Unmutes a thread. The user will start to see the notification indicator in their inbox again when new comments are left on a now unmuted thread.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.

Return value

A thread object is returned.

Close thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d thread_id=32038 \
  -d recipients=[10000, 10001] \
  -d content="OK!"
  -d thread_action="close"

POST /api/v3/comments/add

In order to close a thread, you can simply add a new comment to the thread, but include the thread_action of close as part of your comment's payload. See Add Comment for more details on adding a comment.

Reopen thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d thread_id=32038 \
  -d recipients=[10000, 10001] \
  -d content="OK!"
  -d thread_action="reopen"

POST /api/v3/comments/add

In order to close a thread, you can simply add a new comment to the thread, but include the thread_action of reopen as part of your comment's payload. See Add Comment for more details on adding a comment.


A comment is a message posted to a thread.

Comment object:

   "id": 206113,
   "content": "OK!",
   "creator": 10076,
   "thread_id": 32038,
   "channel_id": 6984,
   "workspace_id": 5517,
   "obj_index": 2,
   "attachments": [],
   "recipients": [
   "groups": [],
   "reactions": {
      "👍": [
   "deleted": false,
   "deleted_by": null,
   "system_message": null,
   "posted_ts": 1494489787,
   "last_edited_ts": 1494488709

Properties of comment object

Name Description
id Integer The id of the comment.
content String The content of the comment. Mentions can be used as [Name](twist-mention://user_id) for users or [Group name](twist-group-mention://group_id) for groups. Check limits for size restrictions for the content.
creator Integer The user that added the comment.
thread_id Integer The id of the thread.
channel_id Integer The id of the channel.
workspace_id Integer The id of the workspace.
obj_index Integer A sequential, 0-based index of a comment within a given thread. Its primary purpose is to check the consistency of first-party clients by ensuring that no comments within the sequence are missing.
attachments List of Attachments Files attached to the comment.
actions List of Action buttons Action buttons attached to the comment.
recipients List of Integers or String An array of users (e.g. recipients: [10000, 10001]) to notify. It also accepts the strings EVERYONE or EVERYONE_IN_THREAD, which notifies everyone in the workspace or everyone mentioned in previous posts of this thread.
groups List of Integers The groups that will be notified.
reactions Object Reactions to the thread, where keys are the reactions and values the users that had that reaction.
direct_mentions List of Integers The users that are directly mentioned.
direct_group_mentions List of Integers The groups that are directly mentioned.
deleted Boolean Whether the comment is deleted.
deleted_by Integer The user that deleted the comment (or null if not deleted).
system_message System message A system message.
posted_ts Integer The Unix time when the comment was created.
last_edited_ts Integer The Unix time when the comment was last edited or null if it hasn't.

Get comment


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=206113

GET /api/v3/comments/getone

Gets a single comment object by id.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the comment.

Return value

A comment object is returned.

Get all comments


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d thread_id=32038

GET /api/v3/comments/get

Gets all comments in a thread.


Name Required Description
thread_id Integer Yes The id of the thread.
newer_than_ts String No Limit comments to those newer than the specified Unix timestamp.
older_than_ts String No Limit comments to those older than the specified Unix timestamp.
from_obj_index Integer No Limit comments starting at the specified object index.
to_obj_index String No Limit comments ending at the specified object index.
limit Integer No Limits the number of comments returned (default is 20, maximum is 500).
order_by String No The order of the comments returned. Either desc (default, descending) or asc (ascending). Order is applied based on the obj_index attribute.
as_ids Boolean No If enabled, only the ids of the comments are returned.

Return value

A list of comment objects is returned.

Add comment


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d thread_id=32038 \
  -d recipients=[10000, 10001] \
  -d content="OK!"

# Create a comment with an attachment using two requests
curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d thread_id=32038 \
  -d recipients=EVERYONE_IN_THREAD \
  -d content="OK!" \
  -d attachments=[$(curl -X POST -F attachment_id=$(uuidgen) -F file_name=@mytext.txt -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567")]

POST /api/v3/comments/add

Adds a new comment to a thread.


Name Required Description
thread_id Integer Yes The id of the thread.
content String Yes The content of the new comment. Mentions can be used as [Name](twist-mention://user_id) for users or [Group name](twist-group-mention://group_id) for groups. Check limits for size restrictions for the content.
attachments List of Attachments No List of attachments to the new comment. It must follow the JSON format returned by attachment#upload.
actions List of Action Buttons No List of action to the new comment. More information about the format of the object available at the add an action button submenu.
direct_mentions List of Integers No The users that are directly mentioned.
direct_group_mentions List of Integers No The groups that are directly mentioned.
recipients List of Integers or String No An array of users (e.g. recipients: [10000, 10001]) to notify. It also accepts the strings EVERYONE or EVERYONE_IN_THREAD, which notifies everyone in the workspace or everyone mentioned in previous posts of this thread. If not provided, EVERYONE_IN_THREAD will be used.
groups List of Integers No The groups that will be notified.
temp_id Integer No The temporary id of the comment.
mark_thread_position Boolean No By default, the position of the thread is marked.
send_as_integration Boolean No Displays the integration as the comment creator.
thread_action string No Can be close or reopen.

Return value

A comment object is returned.

Update comment


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=206113 \
  -d content="OK!"

# Update a comment with an attachment using two requests
curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=206113 \
  -d content="OK!" \
  -d attachments=[$(curl -X POST -F attachment_id=$(uuidgen) -F file_name=@mytext.txt -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567"])

POST /api/v3/comments/update

Updates an existing comment.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the comment.
content String No The content of the comment. Mentions can be used as [Name](twist-mention://user_id) for users or [Group name](twist-group-mention://group_id) for groups. Check limits for size restrictions for the content.
attachments List of Attachments No List of attachments to the new comment. It must follow the JSON format returned by attachment#upload.
actions List of Action Buttons No List of action to the new comment. More information about the format of the object available at the add an action button submenu.
direct_mentions List of Integers No The users that are directly mentioned.
direct_group_mentions List of Integers No The groups that are directly mentioned.

Return value

A comment object is returned.

Remove comment


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=206113

POST /api/v3/comments/remove

Removes a comment. Comments can only be removed by the original comment poster, or by an admin (See Get Workspace Users for the different user types).


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the comment.

Mark position


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d thread_id=32038 \
  -d comment_id=206113

POST /api/v3/comments/mark_position

Marks the position of a thread. Our clients always try to scroll to the position you've last seen; we also mark this with a blue line in the user interface. Clients need to send to the API the last comment/message the user reads in a thread/conversation. Currently, the official clients only do this when the user scrolls to the last message of a thread/conversation.


Name Required Description
thread_id Integer Yes The id of the thread.
comment_id Integer Yes The id of the comment.


A conversation is a direct message exchange between the authenticated user and one or more users.

Conversation object:

   "id": 13037,
   "title": null,
   "private": true,
   "creator": 10076,
   "last_message": {
      "reactions": {},
      "workspace_id": 1245,
      "creator": 133822,
      "deleted": false,
      "actions": [],
      "conversation_id": 321441,
      "last_edited_ts": null,
      "direct_mentions": [],
      "direct_group_mentions": [],
      "system_message": null,
      "id": 6234671,
      "attachments": [],
      "posted_ts": 1533478422,
      "obj_index": 7,
      "content": "Hello World!"
   "workspace_id": 5517,
   "user_ids": [
   "message_count": 2,
   "last_obj_index": 1,
   "snippet": "Hello!",
   "snippet_creators": [
   "last_active_ts": 1497970961,
   "muted_until_ts": null,
   "archived": false,
   "created_ts": 1494330846,

Properties of conversation object

Name Description
id Integer The id of the conversation.
title String The title of the conversation, or null if a private conversation.
private Boolean Whether the conversation is private, ie. between 2 users only.
creator Integer The user that created the thread.
last_message Conversation Message A conversation message containing information about the last message.
workspace_id Integer The id of the workspace.
user_ids List of Integers The users that are participating in the conversation.
last_obj_index Integer The last message's index.
snippet String A part of the last comment.
snippet_creators List of Integers The users of the last comments.
last_active_ts Integer The Unix time when the conversation was last active.
muted_until_ts Integer The Unix time until when the conversation is muted.
archived Boolean Whether the conversation is archived.
created_ts Integer The Unix time when the conversation was created.

Get conversation


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037

GET /api/v3/conversations/getone

Gets a single conversation object.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.

Return value

A conversation object is returned.

Get or create conversation


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=5517 \
  -d user_ids='[10073,10076]'

POST /api/v3/conversations/get_or_create

Gets or creates a conversation with one or more users.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
user_ids List of Integers Yes The users that will participate in the conversation.

Return value

A conversation object is returned.

Get all conversations


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=5517

GET /api/v3/conversations/get

Gets all conversations of a user in a workspace.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
limit Integer No Limits the number of conversations (default is 20, maximum is 500).
newer_than_ts Integer No Limits conversations to those newer when the specified Unix time.
older_than_ts Integer No Limits conversations to those older when the specified Unix time.
before_id Integer No Limits conversations to those with a lower than the specified id.
after_id Integer No Limits conversations to those with a higher than the specified id.
order_by String No The order of the conversations returned. Either desc (default, descending) or asc (ascending). Order is applied based on the last_active attribute, or the conversation id if before_id or after_id are used.
archived Boolean No If enabled, only archived conversations are returned. By default it's disabled.

Return value

A list of conversation objects is returned.

Update conversation


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037 \
  -d title=Title1

POST /api/v3/conversations/update

Updates an existing conversation.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.
title String Yes The title of the conversation.
archived Boolean No If enabled, the conversation is marked as archived.

Return value

A conversation object is returned.

Add user to conversation


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037 \
  -d user_id=10076

POST /api/v3/conversations/add_user

Adds a person to a conversation.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.
user_id Integer Yes The user's id.

Add users to conversation


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037 \
  -d user_ids='[10076]'

POST /api/v3/conversations/add_users

Adds several people to a conversation.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.
user_ids List of Integers Yes The ids of the users.

Remove user from conversation


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037 \
  -d user_id=10076

GET /api/v3/conversations/remove_user

Removes a person from a conversation.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.
user_id Integer Yes The user's id.

Remove users from conversation


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037 \
  -d user_ids='[10076]'

GET /api/v3/conversations/remove_users

Removes several people from a conversation.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.
user_ids List of Integers Yes The ids of the users.

Archive conversation


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037

POST /api/v3/conversations/archive

Archives a conversation.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.

Unarchive conversation


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037

POST /api/v3/conversations/unarchive

Unarchives a conversation.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.

Get unread conversations


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=5517

GET /api/v3/conversations/get_unread

Gets unread conversations.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Return value:

        "obj_index": 1,
        "direct_mention": false,
        "conversation_id": 13037

Return value

A list of unread conversation objects.

Mark conversation as read


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037 \
  -d messsage_id=1

POST /api/v3/conversations/mark_read

Marks a conversation as read.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.
obj_index Integer Yes, this or message_id The index of the message, which will become the last read message in the conversation.
message_id Integer Yes, this or obj_index The id of the message, which will become the last read message in the conversation.

Mark conversation as unread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037 \
  -d messsage_id=1

POST /api/v3/conversations/mark_unread

Marks a conversation as unread.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.
obj_index Integer Yes, this or message_id The index of the message, which will become the last unread message in the conversation.
message_id Integer Yes, this or obj_index The id of the message, which will become the last unread message in the conversation.

Mute conversation


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037 \
  -d minutes=30

POST /api/v3/conversations/mute

Mutes a conversation for a number of minutes. This will mean the user receives no notifications from this conversation during that period.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.
minutes Integer Yes The number of minutes to mute the conversation.

Return value

A conversation object is returned.

Unmute conversation


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=13037

POST /api/v3/conversations/unmute

Unmutes a conversation.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.

Return value

A conversation object is returned.

Conversation messages

A conversation message is a message between the authenticated user and one or more other users participating in a conversation.

Conversation message object:

   "id": 514069,
   "content": "Hi!",
   "creator": 10073,
   "conversation_id": 13037,
   "workspace_id": 5517,
   "obj_index": 0,
   "attachments": [],
   "actions": [],
   "reactions": {},
   "is_deleted": false,
   "system_message": null,
   "posted_ts": 1497970956,
   "last_edited_ts": 1494488709

Properties of conversation message object

Name Description
id Integer The id of the message.
content String The content of the message. Mentions can be used as [Name](twist-mention://user_id) for users or [Group name](twist-group-mention://group_id) for groups. Check limits for size restrictions for the content.
creator Integer The user that added the message.
conversation_id Integer The id of the conversation.
workspace_id Integer The id of the workspace.
obj_index Integer A sequential, 0-based index of a message within a given conversation. Its primary purpose is to check the consistency of first-party clients by ensuring that no messages within the sequence are missing.
attachments List of Attachments Files attached to the message.
actions List of Action buttons Action buttons attached to the message.
reactions Object Reactions to the thread, where keys are the reactions and values the users that had that reaction.
direct_mentions List of Integers The users that are directly mentioned.
direct_group_mentions List of Integers The groups that are directly mentioned.
is_deleted Integer Whether the message is deleted.
system_message System message A system message.
posted_ts Integer The Unix time when the message was created.
last_edited_ts Integer The Unix time when the message was last edited or null if it hasn't.

Get message


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=514069

GET /api/v3/conversation_messages/getone

Gets a single conversation message.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the conversation message.

Return value

A conversation message object is returned.

Get all messages


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d conversation_id=13037

GET /api/v3/conversation_messages/get

Gets the messages from a conversation.


Name Required Description
conversation_id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.
limit Integer No Limits the number of messages returned (default is 20, maximum is 500).
from_obj_index Integer No Limit messages starting at the specified object index.
to_obj_index String No Limit messages ending at the specified object index.
order_by String No The order of the messages returned. Either desc (default, descending) or asc (ascending). Order is applied based on the obj_index attribute.
as_ids Boolean No If enabled, only the ids of the messages are returned.

Return value

A list of conversation message objects is returned.

Add message to conversation


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d conversation_id=13037 \
  -d content="Hello!"

# Create a message with an attachment using two requests
curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d conversation_id=13037 \
  -d content="Hello!" \
  -d attachments=[$(curl -X POST -F attachment_id=$(uuidgen) -F file_name=@mytext.txt -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567")]

POST /api/v3/conversation_messages/add

Adds a message to an existing conversation.


Name Required Description
conversation_id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.
content String Yes The content of the new message. Mentions can be used as [Name](twist-mention://user_id) for users or [Group name](twist-group-mention://group_id) for groups. Check limits for size restrictions for the content.
attachments List of Attachments No List of attachments to the message. It must follow the JSON format returned by attachment#upload.
actions List of Action Buttons No List of action to the new message. More information about the format of the object available at the add an action button submenu.
direct_mentions List of Integers No The users that are directly mentioned.
direct_group_mentions List of Integers No The groups that are directly mentioned.

Return value

A conversation message object is returned.

Update message in conversation


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d conversation_id=13037 \
  -d content="Hello!"

# Update a message with an attachment using two requests
curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=130371 \
  -d content="Hello!" \
  -d attachments=[$(curl -X POST -F attachment_id=$(uuidgen) -F file_name=@mytext.txt -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567")]

POST /api/v3/conversation_messages/update

Updates a message in the conversation. Only messages sent by the authenticated user can be updated.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the message.
content String No The content of the message. Mentions can be used as [Name](twist-mention://user_id) for users or [Group name](twist-group-mention://group_id) for groups. Check limits for size restrictions for the content.
attachments List of Attachments No List of attachments to the message. It must follow the JSON format returned by attachment#upload.
actions List of Action Buttons No List of action to the message. More information about the format of the object available at the add an action button submenu.
direct_mentions List of Integers No The users that are directly mentioned.
direct_group_mentions List of Integers No The groups that are directly mentioned.

Return value

A conversation message object is returned.

Remove message from conversation


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=514069

POST /api/v3/conversation_messages/remove

Removes a message from conversation. Only the original poster of the message can remove it.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the message.

Action buttons

Action buttons are used inside other objects like threads, comments or messages. As it's possible to have many action buttons inside the same object, they are represented as a list of action buttons in the actions key.

They are used to make it easy to execute an action for the message received. An example of usage would be adding text to the message box or a link to another page.

Action buttons objects:


    "actions": [
            "action": "open_url",
            "url": "",
            "type": "action",
            "button_text": "Open Url Action Btn"
            "action": "prefill_message",
            "message": "This message is prefilled by an action button",
            "type": "action",
            "button_text": "Prefill Message Action Btn"
            "action": "send_reply",
            "message": "This reply was sent by an action button",
            "type": "action",
            "button_text": "Send Reply Action Btn"


Properties of the action button object

Name Description
action String The action of the button. It can be open_url, prefill_message, or send_reply.
type String The type of the button, for now just action is available.
button_text String The text for the action button.
message String Message to be added when using prefill_* and send_*actions.
url String URL to redirect. It's used for open_url types.

Get action buttons

Action buttons cannot be retrieved alone, they are part of other objects like threads, comments, and messages. To retrieve them, use the get methods from the object in which they were inserted.

Add an action button

Action buttons cannot be added alone, they are part of other objects like threads, comments, and messages. To add them, you have to use the add methods from the object in which they will be inserted into.

Parameters to add new action buttons

Name Required Description
action String Yes The action of the button. It can be open_url, prefill_message, or send_reply.
type String Yes The type of the button, for now just action is available.
button_text String Yes The text for the action button. Will be truncated to 140 characters.
message String No Message to be added when using prefill_* and send_* actions. Will be truncated to 2048 characters.
url String No URL to redirect in case the action used requires it.


Files can be attached to threads, comments, or conversation messages.

Note: The maximum allowed size for the attachment is 100MB


   "attachment_id": "c8f962d3-491b-4a43-92c2-43f7ac076408",
   "title": "image.png",
   "url": "",
   "url_type": "image",
   "file_name": "image.png",
   "file_size": 21601,
   "underlying_type": "image/png",
   "image": "",
   "image_height": 100,
   "image_width": 100,
   "upload_state": "uploaded"


Name Description
attachment_id String The id of the attachment.
title String The title of the attachment.
url String The URL where the file is located.
file_name String The file's name.
file_size Integer The file's size in bytes.
underlying_type String The file's media or content type (MIME).
upload_state String Upload state is uploaded on success, or failed otherwise.
url_type String The type of the file, such as file or image.
image String If file is an image, the URL to the image file.
image_width Integer If file is an image, the width of the image.
image_height Integer If file is an image, the height of the image.
duration String If file is audio, the duration of the audio.

Upload an attachment


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -F attachment_id=c8f962d3-491b-4a43-92c2-43f7ac076408 \
  -F file_name=@image.png

POST /api/v3/attachments/upload

Uploads a file.


Name Required Description
attachment_id String Yes A UUID that will be the id of the attachment.
file_name String Yes The name of the file to be uploaded.

Return value

An attachment object is returned.

Remove an attachment


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d attachment_id=c8f962d3-491b-4a43-92c2-43f7ac076408 \
  -d comment_id=241432

POST /api/v3/attachments/remove

Removes attachment from thread, comment or conversation message.


Name Required Description
attachment_id Integer Yes The id of the attachment.
thread_id Integer Yes, this or comment_id or message_id The id of the thread.
comment_id Integer Yes, this or thread_id or message_id The id of the comment.
message_id Integer Yes, this or thread_id or comment_id The id of the conversation message.


Reactions can be added to threads, comments or conversation messages.

Reaction object:

   "👍": [
   "😄": [

Properties of reaction object

The reaction object is either null or has one or more key-value pairs.

Name Description
key String The reaction added by one or more users.
value List of Integers The users that added that specific reaction.

Get reactions


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d comment_id=206113

POST /api/v3/reactions/get

Gets reactions of a thread, comment or conversation message.


Name Required Description
thread_id Integer Yes, this or comment_id or message_id. The id of the thread.
comment_id Integer Yes, this or thread_id or message_id. The id of the comment.
message_id Integer Yes, this or thread_id or comment_id. The id of the conversation message.

Return value

A reaction object is returned.

Add a reaction


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d reaction="👍" \
  -d comment_id=206113

POST /api/v3/reactions/add

Adds a reaction to a thread, comment or conversation message.


Name Required Description
reaction String Yes The reaction to add.
thread_id Integer Yes, this or comment_id or message_id. The id of the thread.
comment_id Integer Yes, this or thread_id or message_id. The id of the comment.
message_id Integer Yes, this or thread_id or comment_id. The id of the conversation message.

Remove a reaction


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d reaction="👍" \
  -d comment_id=206113

POST /api/v3/reactions/remove

Removes a reaction from thread, comment or conversation message.


Name Required Description
reaction String Yes The reaction to remove.
thread_id Integer Yes, this or comment_id or message_id. The id of the thread.
comment_id Integer Yes, this or thread_id or message_id. The id of the comment.
message_id Integer Yes, this or thread_id or comment_id. The id of the conversation message.


Inbox object:

      "id": 38677,
      "reactions": [],
      "participants": [],
      "creator": 1234,
      "title": "Thread title",
      "id": 32038,
      "reactions": [],
      "participants": [],
      "creator": 1234,
      "title": "Thread title",

The inbox unifies the start page view on all platforms.

It is a list of thread objects. It doesn't contain all threads, but the most recent threads ordered by date.

Get inbox


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d workspace_id=5517

GET /api/v3/inbox/get

Get the authenticated user's inbox.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
limit Integer No Limits the number of threads returned (default is 30, maximum is 500).
newer_than_ts Integer No Limits threads to those newer when the specified Unix time.
older_than_ts Integer No Limits threads to those older when the specified Unix time.
archive_filter String No Gives the ability to filter threads based on their is_archived flag. Can be all, archived, and active. By default it's active.
order_by String No The order of the threads returned. Either desc (default, descending) or asc (ascending). Order is applied based on the last_updated attribute.
exclude_thread_ids List of Integers No The thread ids that should be excluded from the results.

Return value

A list of thread objects is returned.

Archive all


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=32038

POST /api/v3/inbox/archive_all

Archives all threads in a workspace.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
older_than_ts Integer No Only archives threads that are the same or older than this timestamp.

Archive thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=32038

POST /api/v3/inbox/archive

Archives a thread.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.

Unarchive thread


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d id=32038

POST /api/v3/inbox/unarchive

Unarchives a thread.


Name Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the thread.

Mark all inbox threads as read


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=6984

POST /api/v3/inbox/mark_all_read

Marks all inbox threads in the workspace as read.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Get inbox count


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=5517

GET /api/v3/inbox/get_count

Gets inbox count in a workspace for the authenticated user.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Return value:

    "data": 5,
    "version": 1621334415

Return value

A JSON object with data and version attributes. The version indicates the last update timestamp, this is useful when parallel fetching the inbox count. The data includes the number of threads in the inbox.


The search query allows for finding threads and conversations matching some text.

Search for query


curl --get \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
    -d query=texts

GET /api/v3/search

Searches for keywords in all channels, threads, and conversations. The results are always sorted by last_updated attribute in descending order.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The workspace to search.
query String Yes The full-text query to search for.
limit Integer No Limits the number of conversations (default is 20, maximum is 100).
cursor_mark String No Token used for pagination. This token is returned as next_cursor_mark on the return object.
type String No Filter by object type. Can be threads, messages or all. Default is all.
title String No Filter by thread or conversation title.
from_user_id Integer No Filter by user id who created the object.
to_user_id Integer No Filter by users who were notified (thread.recipients, comment.recipients or conversation.user_ids).
to_group_id Integer No Filter by groups who were notified (thread.groups, comment.groups).
conversation_ids JSON-encoded list of integers No Filter objects by conversation ids.
channel_ids JSON-encoded list of integers No Filter objects by channel ids.
before_ts Integer (Unix timestamp of the datetime) No Filter objects by creation date.
after_ts Integer (Unix timestamp of the datetime) No Filter objects by creation date.

Return object details

Name Description
items List of Search Results The search result of threads and conversations found.
has_more Boolean Whether there are more results that were not returned.
next_cursor_mark String The cursor mark to use in order to get more results. Only set if has_more=true.
is_plan_restricted Boolean Free plans are restricted to view data older than 1 month. If true search has been limited and the clients should show an upgrade banner. For paying teams it will always be false.

The items Search Results:

Name Description
id String Unique id of the item.
type String The type of the match. Can be thread or conversation.
title String The title of the item.
snippet String Part of the text that matched the search query.
snippet_creator_id Integer The creator of the snippet. Can be null if the snippet is empty.
snippet_last_updated_ts Integer The Unix time when the snippet was last updated/posted.

Thread specific attributes:

Name Description
snippet_mask_poster String Should the poster’s name be masked, e.g., this can be Github when Github posts things on behalf of the user. This is only returned for some threads.
snippet_mask_avatar_url String Should the poster’s avatar be masked, e.g., this can be Github avatar when Github posts things on behalf of the user.
channel_id Integer The channel id of the matching thread.
thread_id Integer The id of the matching thread.
comment_id Integer The id of the latest matching comment. It can be -1 if the query matches the thread title or content.
closed Boolean Indicates if the thread is closed.

Conversation specific attributes:

Name Description
conversation_id Integer The id of the matching converation. This result is only returned when type=conversation.
message_id Integer The id of the latest matching message.
user_ids List of integers The users that are participating in the conversation.

Search comments


curl --get \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
    -d query=texts \
    -d thread_id=401"

GET /api/v3/search/thread

Searches for keywords in a thread and returns the comment ids that match it. Maximally returns the latest 10.000 matches.


Name Required Description
thread_id Integer Yes The id of the thread.
query String Yes The full-text query to search for.
from_user_id Integer No Filter by user id who created the object.
to_user_id Integer No Filter by users who were notified (thread.recipients or comment.recipients).
to_group_id Integer No Filter by groups who were notified (thread.groups, comment.groups).
before_ts Integer (Unix timestamp of the datetime) No Filter objects by creation date.
after_ts Integer (Unix timestamp of the datetime) No Filter objects by creation date.

Return object details

Name Description
comment_ids List of Integers The ids of comments that match the query. These ids are always sorted by attribute in a ascending order.

Search messages


curl --get \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
    -d query=texts \
    -d conversation_id=42"

GET /api/v3/search/conversation

Searches for keywords in a conversation and returns the message ids that match it. Maximally returns the latest 10.000 matches.


Name Required Description
conversation_id Integer Yes The id of the conversation.
query String Yes The full-text query to search for.
from_user_id Integer No Filter by user id who created the object.
before_ts Integer (Unix timestamp of the datetime) No Filter objects by creation date.
after_ts Integer (Unix timestamp of the datetime) No Filter objects by creation date.

Return object details

Name Description
message_ids List of Integers The ids of messages that match the query. These ids are always sorted by attribute in a ascending order.


This API allows you to provide autocomplete functionality for text-based searches. For example, you can use it to find threads that have strategy in their title.

In the Twist clients, this API is used to implement the + search that's used for Thread Referencing.

Query threads


curl --get \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
    -d workspace_id=201 \
    -d query=strategy

GET /api/v3/autocomplete/query_threads

Find threads matching some text in their title; this text can be anywhere inside the title. This will check all threads in all channels that the user has access to.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.
query String Yes The text query to search for.
limit Integer No Limits the number of threads returned. (default is 10, maximum is 50).

Return value

A JSON with [ ... thread objects ... ] where thread objects are a list of thread objects that match the query.

Notifications settings

The user's notification settings allow to setup email and push settings.

Notifications settings object:

   "desktop_added_to_ws": true,
   "desktop_comments": false,
   "desktop_conversations": true,
   "desktop_removed_from_ws": true,
   "desktop_threads": false,
   "email_added_to_ws": true,
   "email_aggregate": true,
   "email_comments": true,
   "email_conversations": true,
   "email_removed_from_ws": true,
   "email_threads": true,
   "push_added_to_ws": true,
   "push_comments": false,
   "push_conversations": true,
   "push_delay": 120,
   "push_removed_from_ws": true,
   "push_threads": false,
   "badge_conversations": true,
   "badge_threads": true,

Properties of notifications settings object

Name Description
desktop_conversations Boolean Desktop notifications for new messages on conversations.
desktop_comments Boolean Desktop notifications for new comments attached to user.
desktop_threads Boolean Desktop notifications for new threads attached to user.
desktop_added_to_ws Boolean Desktop notifications when added to workspaces.
desktop_removed_from_ws Boolean Desktop notifications when removed from workspaces.
email_conversations Boolean Email notifications for new messages on conversations.
email_comments Boolean Email notifications for new comments attached to user.
email_threads Boolean Email notifications for new threads attached to user.
email_added_to_ws Boolean Email notifications when added to workspaces.
email_removed_from_ws Boolean Email notifications when removed from workspaces.
email_aggregate Boolean Email notifications digest.
push_conversations Boolean Push notifications for new messages on conversations.
push_comments Boolean Push notifications for new comments attached to user.
push_delay Integer Number of seconds before sending a push notification.
push_threads Boolean Push notifications for new threads attached to user.
push_added_to_ws Boolean Push notifications when added to workspaces.
push_removed_from_ws Boolean Push notifications when removed from workspaces.
badge_threads Boolean Badge notifications on unread threads (iOS).
badge_conversations Boolean Badge notifications on unread conversations (iOS).

Get notification settings


curl --get \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d workspace_id=5517

GET /api/v3/notifications_settings/get

Gets the authenticated user's current notification settings.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The workspace id.

Return value

A notifications settings object is returned.

Update notifications settings


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d workspace_id=5517 \
  -d setting=desktop_conversations \
  -d value=true

POST /api/v3/notifications_settings/update

Updates user notifications settings.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The workspace id.
setting String Yes The name of the notifications setting to update, see above.
value Boolean Yes The value of the notifications setting to update.

Update many notifications settings


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \ 
  -d workspace_id=5517
  -d mapping='{"desktop_conversations":true,"email_comments":false}'

POST /api/v3/notifications_settings/update_many

Updates multiple user notifications settings at once.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The workspace id.
mapping Object Yes The notifications settings to update.

URL join

This allows a user to join a workspace using a special URL invite link.

URL join object:

   "url": ""

Properties of URL join object

Name Description
url String The URL to be used to join a workspace.


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=5517

GET /api/v3/url_join/get_only

Gets a URL join link for the specified workspace.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Return value

url attribute can be null if the URL join link isn't created or is disabled.

Return value:

   "url": ""


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=5517

POST /api/v3/url_join/get_or_create

Gets or creates a URL join link for the specified workspace.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Return value:

   "url": ""


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d workspace_id=5517

POST /api/v3/url_join/disable

Disables a URL join link for a workspace.


Name Required Description
workspace_id Integer Yes The id of the workspace.

Join workspace


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d url_invite_code=""

POST /api/v3/url_join/join_workspace

Joins a user to the invited workspace using the URL link.


Name Required Description
url_invite_code String Yes The URL join link.

Return value

A workspace object is returned.

Loop in

This allows you to add threads to a channel, add comments to a thread, or messages to conversation by sending them to an email address.

Note: the maximum allowed size of the email is 25MB.

Loop in object:

   "email": ""

Properties of URL join object

Name Description
email String The email address to use to add threads/comments/messages.

Get or create a loop in email


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d obj_type=THREAD \
  -d obj_id=32038

POST /api/v3/loop_in/get_or_create

Gets or creates a loop in email.


Name Required Description
obj_type String Yes The type of the object, one of CHANNEL, THREAD or CONVERSATION.
obj_id Integer Yes The id of the object.

Return value:

   "email": ""

Disable loop in email


curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" \
  -d obj_type=THREAD \
  -d obj_id=32038

POST /api/v3/loop_in/disable

Disables a loop in email.


Name Required Description
obj_type String Yes The type of the object, one of CHANNEL, THREAD or CONVERSATION.
obj_id Integer Yes The id of the object.


Here are the limits for our main text fields:

Field Limit
thread.content 15.000 characters
comment.content 15.000 characters
conversation_message.content 15.000 characters

PS. if you're writting in a latin language (like EN, ES, PT, etc.), it's possible that we can hold more letters due to encoding but the table above is the recommended and guaranteed number of characters.

System Messages

System messages are messages that are not sent by a user, but Twist informing users of some action that has taken place. These can appear in Threads and in Conversations, but are part of the comment and conversation message objects.

System message object

    "is_integration": null,
    "initiator": 2435,
    "initiator_name": "Jan",
    "channel_id": 1290,
    "type": "REFERENCE",
    "comment_id": 56288719,
    "initiator_id": 2435,
    "thread_id": 1409756,
    "user_id": null,
    "user_name": null,
    "title": null,
    "old_title": null,
    "new_title": null,
    "channel_name": "My Channel",
    "integration_name": null,

Properties of system message object

Name Description
is_integration Boolean Whether this message originated from an integration
initiator Integer The user id of the user who triggered the system message
initiator_name String The name of the user who triggered the system message
channel_id Integer The ID of the channel in which the thread getting this message was shown
comment_id Integer The ID of the associated comment for this message
initiator_id Integer The user id of the user who caused the system message
thread_id Integer The ID of the thread in which this message was shown
user_id Integer The ID of the non-initiating user in the system message
user_name String The user name of the non-initiating user in the system message
title String The thread title
old_title String The old name of the thread
new_title String The new name of the thread
channel_name String The name of the channel a thread has moved to
integration_name String The name of the integration

Migrating from v2 to v3

This guide outlines the key differences between version 2 and 3 of the Twist API.

The new v3 Twist API is largely based on the v2 API. Most changes are simply done by changing the URL from /v2/ to /v3.

Below are the breaking changes made during the transition between v2 and v3.





Conversation Message

Brand usage

Thanks for using Twist's APIs to build an integration!

If you plan to utilize Twist's logo or branding in the visual design of your integration or website, please adhere to Twist's brand guidelines.

In addition, please take note of the following:

By using the Twist marks you agree to properly follow the above brand guidelines as well as our Terms of Service. For further information about the use of the Twist brand, please contact

Market your app

Market your integration to Twist users with a custom integration page. Our searchable directory lets our audience easily find, install, and use your app — making it an effortless yet effective way to promote your work!

Get started today.


To begin, fill out the app submissions form. Just add a marketing description, installation instructions, and links to your website and privacy policy.

If your integration is one that installs into Twist, we will also require an installation link for your integration. This can be found in the Installation section of Twist App Console page Installation Tab

We'll also ask you for some images, in the following format:


After you've submitted your app, we'll email you a confirmation. We aim to review submissions and respond with any feedback within 10 business days.

During the review, we'll make sure:

If we find any issues along the way, we'll be in touch via email and work with you to resolve them. If you have any questions or updates at any time, you can reply to any of the emails you've received during the submissions process. We'll aim to get back to you within 2 business days.


Once your submission has passed our review, we'll publish your listing and provide you with a public link that you can share! We'll also translate your listing to expand the reach of your marketing.

If you have any further questions or updates to provide after we've published your integration page, you can always reach out to our app submissions team at We're happy to help!